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Ghouls Night Out!

My Darling & Co. 104 S. Main St., Versailles

Enjoy 20% off all Fall and Halloween items.

Visit Woodford – Woodford County Tourist Commission Board Meeting

Woodford Busines Center 126 S Main Street, Versailles

The Woodford County Tourist Commission board meets monthly on the third Thursday of the month at 9am at the Woodford Business Center and Visitors Center. Location is 126 S.Main Street in Versailles, KY. The meetings are open meetings to the public and all interested parties. Any changes to the meeting times if they deviate from…

more: Visit Woodford – Woodford County Tourist Commission Board Meeting

Ghouls Pink Out

Downtown Versailles

It’s an all day PINK OUT in Woodford County! Let’s wear our pink on Thursday, October 17th for Breast Cancer Awareness Month! It’s also a SHOP LOCAL, SHOP LATE Night in downtown Versailles with sidewalk vendors and stores open until 7pm. Grab a drink after work and sip and shop with the entertainment district area…
